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Clinically Integrated Network

Like an Accountable Care Organization, a Clinically Integrated Network (CIN) is an organization of healthcare providers working closely together to improve quality and reduce the cost of care for their patients. But a CIN also allows the network to contract under a variety of arrangements beyond the Medicare value-based programs. 

By sharing data, serving on committees, assuming shared risk under the Quality Payment Program and other shared savings initiatives, these professionals collaborate to improve outcomes and manage healthcare costs for their patients. 

The CIN addresses:

  • Systematic data collection, analysis and reporting to help practices identify high-risk patients and develop appropriate interventions for care.

  • Managing healthcare costs not by denying care, but by appropriately utilizing health services… offering the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

  • Sharing outcome measures related to clinical practice, evidence-based guidelines, and quality standards.

  • Preventive care and population health programs, including routine screenings, Annual Wellness Visits, Chronic Care Management, Transitional Care Management, Remote Patient Monitoring, and other services for health maintenance.

  • Performance reporting to track improvement in key metrics over time.

  • Care coordination to avoid duplication and coordinate services among various providers.

  • Identifying and addressing health disparities in under-served areas of the state.

  • Contracting authority to give independent providers access to various value-based contracts by demonstrating expertise in improving quality, outcomes and efficiencies for their patients.

  • Shared governance and oversight, including active participation on committees.
A man and a woman are looking at a laptop computer.

Provider-Led Committees

  • Clinical Integration Protocol – Allison Charles, APRN, Care Pathways; Marty Lofgren, MD, Absentee Shawnee Tribe; Ancie Madden, APRN, Greystone Medical Clinic; Diana O’Connor, DO.

  • Contract Review – Jason Martin, Long Term Care Specialists; Stacey Martin, APRN, Homestead Medical Clinic; Victoria Pardue, DO, and Teddy Rowland, MD, Rowland Flatt Clinics; Robert Stramski, APRN, Jones Family Care; Lisa York, Dr. Darlene Foster, MD.

  • Evidence-Based Practice – Fazal Ali, MD; Terrence Lakin, DO, Faith Family; Mark Mann, MD; Margaret Stripling, DO, Quality Care Medical Center.

  • Population Health / Health Equity – Rachel Cameron, APRN, Trail Creek Wellness; Larry Ruffin, MD, Ruffin Family Medicine; Layne Subera, DO, Skiatook Family Clinic; Kaylee Terrell, APRN, Internal Medicine Associates of Oklahoma City.

  • Quality Assurance & Performance Improvement - Logan Harkness, Olympia Neurological Institute; Allison Madison, RN, Integris Cardiovascular Physicians; Eric Nickell, Coal County General Hospital.
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