Access Care Clinically Integrated Network is a provider-led network of Oklahoma’s independent healthcare providers. Our goal is to work together to improve quality and outcomes for patients while efficiently managing healthcare costs and maintaining patient satisfaction.
We began in 2016 as Access Care Oklahoma, an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) under the Medicare Shared Savings Program. We evolved to become a Clinically Integrated Network of providers who can work with ACOs, the SoonerSelect Program, and other payers. Our doctors and advanced practitioners have years of experience in successfully managing the care of patients while meeting stringent quality requirements, high levels of patient satisfaction, and managing the cost of care.
In July 2023, Access Care earned URAC Accreditation for Clinical Integration by URAC, the independent leader in promoting healthcare quality and patient safety through renowned accreditation programs. URAC develops its evidence-based standards in collaboration with a wide array of stakeholders and industry experts.
URAC’s comprehensive standards and associated elements of performance are organized into four foundational focus areas across all accreditation and certification programs:
URAC’s streamlined accreditation process requires applicants to submit comprehensive policies, procedures, workflows, and other organizational information. Our reviewers coordinate all aspects of the process until a decision on accreditation has been determined via an impartial, third-party evaluation. URAC’s accreditation process validates compliance with nationally recognized healthcare standards and supports improvements and innovation in care management and service delivery for the long term.
URAC relies on a multidisciplinary advisory group to guide standards development, establish benchmarks and inform revisions. This group includes payers, physicians, hospitals, our Board of Directors, URAC's Standards Committees, and other industry experts. The standards are then circulated for public comment and beta-tested before their release. This broad, inclusive process assures that URAC’s standards promote industry best practices.
To learn more about Access Care Care Clinically Integrated Network, please e-mail:
Karen LaBarge, Director of Provider Services
or call (405) 928-2727.
Access Care Participants will provide services in a manner that does not discriminate based upon race, color, national origin, creed, religion, sex, sexual preference, age, income, health status, handicap, identity as an CIN Beneficiary, source of payment, or other illegal basis.
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